dreams quotes

  • "if you have dreams, then you have to put in a lot of efforts to try it. but if you didn't fulfil it, it's fine, because there are lots of time in your life to try a lot of things. so you don't need to lock your life on that one thing, you can do a lot of things." (201109)

  • "i think there’s no being late. i feel that you can chase your dream anytime." (201109)

family quotes

  • "every child should reflect on themselves. even if they’re parents and they will nag at you, warn you repeatedly, but they do it for your own good. so we should all reflect on ourselves, quite ourselves and listen, treat our family well." (201123)

friendship quotes

  • "after all, friendships are mutual. you can’t be always only be benefiting off your friend. you need to be good to each other." (201019)

  • "if you want ask for help, everyone should discuss together how this problem should be solved, and then grow together. it's quite important to get off your high horse / put down your own posture and pride." (201214)

  • "you should say all that’s on your mind to someone. you can’t think that if people listen to your problems they’ll think your way of thinking is wrong. a lot of the time, what you think is different from reality. after all, they’re your friends! they’ll definitely listen to your problems, and not think that there’s something wrong. if you’re in a bad mood, others will wonder why, be confused and find you weird. only when you tell them, they’ll help you walk out of this difficulty." (210125)

growth quotes

  • "you will slowly grow up yourself, you don't need to do anything. everyone's growing up method, procedure and time are different." (201102)

  • "i think mistakes are very normal, everyone will make mistakes. don’t be afraid, being afraid is the scariest thing. even if you made a mistake, just don’t make mistakes next time. even if you make mistakes again, it doesn’t matter either. i think, keep trying, try more, do more, have more courage and it’ll be fine." (201102)

  • "you have to think towards the positive side and treat it as an experience, a memory. when you pass another 10 years, and you think, it's a very beautiful thing." (201103)

  • "even if it's good to be mature at a young age, you don't need to be that mature. but when you grow older, like me, when you become an adult, you have to be more mature." (201117)

  • "i am indeed very free-spirited, but i still have many shortcomings, truthfully speaking. sincerely, i myself know that i'm still lacking in a lot of places, so i need to work hard and learn more. i think learning is very important." (201127)

  • "you should be thankful for everyone by your side. even if they had a negative effect on you. because they let you know what is bad." (201214)

  • "when facing this kind of situation, having people who are smarter than you, just think "ah there are people who are better than me, so that means i can learn a lot from them." just take it as a learning experience. don't be jealous of them, don't have the mindset of "clearly i'm the best". learn with them and keep getting better together."

  • "don’t compare yourself to others, everyone is different. i’ve said this many times, but i think comparing is a common problem, everyone will can’t help but compare. if you don’t change it, it’s impossible. comparing is unavoidable. but you shouldn’t take it too seriously. ... what kun-ge means is you should see someone as an example. learn their good points, not compare like “i’m better than you at this, but you’re better than me at this and i’m unhappy about it.” kun-ge means you should learn from others’ good points, correct your bad points, and compare with your previous self. if you’ve improved, then it’s a big growth." (210110)

  • "you must make mistakes to know what you did was wrong. you can’t avoid it, you need to face it. only then you will know what’s right." (210125)

  • "i personally feel that you shouldn’t run away when you’re met with bad things. i think this is really important, if you run away, you won’t grow. you need to face it and solve it, then your heart grows stronger. and when you meet with such a problem again, you’d have experience and you’ll know how to face it. if you run from it, it’ll always come back again." (210208)

  • "i think everything isn’t easy, being a student is tiring and hard, working is tiring and hard too. every job and every life has their tiring and difficult parts. so don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because when you’re doing something for the first time, mistakes are very normal. as long as after your mistake, you learn to correct it." (210218)

  • "i think it's not right to think that you need to live an adult life after reaching the age of being an adult. the process of being an adult might take much time. people can't and doesn't change immediately." (210426)

  • "you must firstly have courage, then secondly you can’t only worry. you must actually do it. because you must do it to have experience." (210906)

happiness quotes

  • "happy is good. being happy is most important. a person’s life is for happiness.” (201015)

  • ""times of happiness are always short, but times of dissatisfaction are always slow." (201020)

  • "matter your situation, as long as you live happily, it's enough." (201111)

  • “i believe that people should do things the way they like. don’t care about other’s way of thinking. as long as you yourself are happy." (201219)

  • “being one year older doesn’t mean you’re old. ... every age has its own happiness. i hope that you will find your own happiness soon." (201225)

  • “a person’s happiness is most important. everything gets better when you’re happy. if your attitude is good, everything will be good." (201227)

  • "you have to be happy. you have to really be happy. there will always be hard times, but if you always think positively like me, everything will be okay. so, please always live happily." (210907)

idol life quotes

  • "being able to receive so many awards is actually all because of the fans always cheering on us, then we can receive all these awards. so i'm still very grateful for all the czennies that cheer on us." (201211)

  • "music groups/bands who have been together since young, are like family. growing up together, working hard together, struggling together, making a living together. they’re definitely very united and really like family members. ... there are definitely small conflicts, what family has no conflicts? but being able to reach now is really not easy." (201229)

  • "the happiest part of an offline concert is the cheers and atmosphere from below (audience). because that atmosphere is what gives us strength to dance through the whole concert. during rehearsal by ourselves, there was not a single time that i was able to dance all out completely. it’s tremendously tiring. but with fans below supporting us and cheering for us, because of the atmosphere, i’m no longer dancing with my body, but dancing with my spirit." (210103)

  • " i used to be worried if stages won’t be performed well. i don’t get worried now, but when i first started out, i would be worried. i’d be worried when a song first came out, “what if the stage isn’t cool enough?”, “what if i don’t dance or sing well enough?” then solve it. dance well. sing well. after you’ve done it well, you’ll think “oh, i can do it”, and your self-confidence will go up. when your self-confidence goes up, you won’t be worried anymore. so do it well. do well in what you’re worried about." (210104)

  • "it didn’t matter how tiring practicing and rehearsal gets, standing on stage, especially during a concert, is pure happiness." (210909)

life quotes

  • "when you were born, you don’t remember that. when you leave this world, you won’t remember it. it’s just like a dream." (201018)

  • "you shouldn't wait to lose it then feel doubtful. you must treasure whatever you have now." (201020)

  • "these times are the most crucial, in that moment when you’re choosing, you can choose to think it’s embarrassing and give up immediately, or challenge yourself to song that first line. this could change not your life but it will be a big change for you. ... if they didn’t succeed in singing that first line, in the future, they’d always be scared and keep giving up, and they’d regret it. “if only i knew, i would’ve sang then.”" (201029)

  • "when a person’s life ends, your body ends, but your spirit doesn’t." (201029)

  • "our fate, everything we’ll encounter, has already been determined. this is what i’ve heard. no matter what we encounter, this is how our lives are set." (201102)

  • "if you compare with others, it will make yourself be very tired. everyone's life is different, everyone walk different paths. you can't compare because everything they do, their dreams are all different from yours. so i feel like comparing yourself to others will make you feel more tired. just walk your own path well, and everything will be fine." (201207)

  • "this listener chose a job that is usually stress free. they’ll indeed be very comfortable and relaxed but they want to challenge themselves to something more meaningful, but if they were to do this more difficult thing, there will be stress. but it will bring them feel more accomplished. this is their choice, if they want to live normally and happily, or if they want to live feeling accomplished but go through many hardships and setbacks. but the moment of accomplishment in the end. this is up to them." (201221)

  • "you should cherish the current. cherish everything you have currently, you never know what the future holds. cherish the people who love you and the people you love most." (201229)

  • "honestly speaking, people in every situation, will live tiring lives. no one lives an easy life. even the richest and most powerful person has their pressures. they climbed up, they’re not born with so much money, they’re not lucky. they earned the money with their hard work. after earning this money and being the richest, i still don’t think they’d live a super relaxed life. because they’d think “i have so much money, how can i contribute to the society?" they’re already the richest, they’d definitely wonder how to maintain it and stuff like that, and they’d definitely be very pressured, maybe even more than us. so there’s no need to envy others." (210207)

  • "stress is something you’ll have in every phase. it will find you in different ways. just because you change your job, doesn’t mean you won’t feel stressed anymore. no matter your situation, different types of stress will find you." (210307)

  • "life is still long, so don't be unsure or insecure. let's just follow the flow of time. we’ll meet chances / opportunities and a new path." (210626)

  • "there's no need to mind all the small things because they'll all pass, and become memories. if you get stressed out in every little thing, it will be hard for you." (210727)

  • "in life, not everything will go our way and we can't do anything about it. but we can achieve a lot of things with our effort. that's why it's better to just accept things that we can't change / do anything about, and try to change what you can change for the better, so that you can succeed." (210814)

  • "in our youth, we should try whatever we want to try and shouldn't have any regrets. we can't go back in time so we should cherish all the time and all the chances we are given." (210814)

love quotes

  • "everyone’s understanding of love is different. but everyone’s understanding is correct." (201124)

  • "it’s easy to let go of someone, but it’s hard to forget them." (201228)

  • "you should cherish the current. cherish everything you have currently, you never know what the future holds. cherish the people who love you and the people you love most." (201229)

  • "i think how much you love give is how much love you’ll receive." (210213)

  • "it’s not about marrying early, it’s about being able to meet the right person." (210214)

  • "love can change a person." (210703)

  • "you can’t go overboard with anything. you can’t love overboard either. ... love, but inside, you must have a clear mind. you can’t let love get to your head." (210729)

motivation quotes

  • “don’t think of yourself as a burden. you’ve tried your best, your friends would feel touched. you had the heart to (try your best to help), and that is most important.” (201012)

  • "if you're confident in something, you can do anything. also since you've worked hard practicing, you'll be prepared right? if you do as you've practiced, you'll do well." (201012)

  • "i think learning languages is a very incredible thing. ... don’t be afraid to say something wrongly, because as friends, if you say something wrong they’d correct you. so ask more, interact more, speak korean more, and it’ll be fine, i believe. for words, you’ll learn new words here and there, you’ll slowly learn them like this.” (201014)

  • "i think if you study hard you can do well on everything, fighting! you can do it~" (201014)

  • "as long as you have prepared sufficiently, you’ll definitely succeed. jiayou!” (201015)

  • "one anomaly is very normal. don’t think negatively of yourself because of this one failure. it has passed, since it has passed, don’t think of it. prepare well for the future exam, the future event. prepare sufficiently, don’t make these same mistakes, i believe you’ll succeed. jiayou!” (201016)

  • "if you succeed it's good, and even if you failed, prepare hard to not make this mistake next time. don't feel too upset because life is long and it's also possible to have mistake once, right? so fighting!" (201022)

  • "you shouldn't be afraid of failure or troubles because life has to have a lot of failures so you'll learn that this can't be done or that can't be done so you'll be more careful in the future." (201026)

  • "last time i would always say "it will be fine, everything will be fine", but although everything will be fine soon, it will turn better only if you work hard yourself. you can't just be super relaxed like "ah i don't bother about anything, it doesn't matter because everything will turn better" no, you must work hard, then everything will turn better." (201207)

  • "don’t think of yourself as stupid, because everyone is about the same amount of smart. if you think you’re stupid, everyone isn’t as smart as you think. i’m stupid too, everyone is stupid too. have some self confidence, work hard to do well, i think it’ll be fine. jiayou!" (201214)

  • "after all, it’s a goal you set for yourself. you can give up on this goal and not do it, it’s fine. but if you did it, you would feel so much accomplishment. if you didn’t do it and gave up, in the future you’d think “ah... if only i did it.”" (201214)

  • "humans have a very comparative mentality, but you should regulate your attitude, because when you compare yourself with others, there will be too many people better than you. so there’s no way you won’t feel pressured when comparing. try your best to not compare yourself to others, but learn from others what you don’t already know. this is most important, don’t compare. when you compare yourself to those (who are more senior and better), you’ll never be better than them, so learn from them. when you compare yourself to them you’ll feel tremendously pressured." (201228)

  • "even if you don’t do well for this exam, it won’t be a very good period of time in your life, but it’s just a small wave in your entire lifetime. it won’t be too big of an effect, it doesn’t affect your entire life. your life isn’t over. you do have to work hard, but if you’ve worked hard and it still doesn’t work out, it’s not that big of a deal." (201228)

  • "success will come as long as one works hard and perseveres." (210103)

  • "best friends will be there to comfort you and encourage you when you need them, but will criticise you when you’re in the wrong. you need to learn to accept your friends’ criticisms. ... you should listen to your friends’ criticisms attentively. you can’t only listen to people’s praises, you can’t only hear the good things. you should listen to the bad too. you should listen to the bad things that will useful for you, but not listen if it’s unreasonable." (210111)

  • "there is nothing easy in this world. you need to work hard for everything, you need to put in effort." (210131)

  • "if you can realize that you’re playing too much and you're falling behind by a lotm you have the consciousness to start over and work hard to catch up, then it’s not late. as long as you start over and work hard, it’s alright no matter how late. as long as it’s not when you know you’re playing too much and falling behind in grades but you’re still playing, and think “i’ll revise and study after a while more”" (210201)

  • "i think the most important is you need to realise the importance of studying. you haven’t realised it yet, so i don’t think you’ll listen to us. you definitely won’t listen to us and can’t control yourself to not look at your phone. but once you take your exam and not do well, get scolded by your family, then you’ll realise it. you’ll have a sense of crisis. then you’ll control yourself. you haven’t felt how important it is yet." (210201)

  • "if you fail, you can just keep on going." (210308)

  • "if you only study and work hard now, there will be a lot of opportunities that will come to you. if you focus in developing on your skills now, there will be so many things you can do in the future. if you have skills, the opportunities will come and find you." (210313)

  • "you can’t be good at everything, right? everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. there’s no need to compare yourself with other people who are better, because that person might not be better than you in other areas / fields!" (210315)

  • "if it's hard, bear with it a little bit more. time will pass faster than you think. the boring time right now will all become beautiful memories when you look back later on." (210315)

  • "f you do something with sincerity, you can succeed. although sometimes, you might fail while on the way, but the results will come out. so even if you fail slightly, don't give up! work hard until the end, you can do it!" (210316)

  • "there are a lot of greater person than us so don't compare yourself to others. it is okay to just live our own life. i’m sure everyone got their own things that they’re good at, so i think the most important thing is to just focus more on yourself!" (210426)

  • "not all of our efforts will be recognized / rewarded. we must not give up just because of one failure. We need to keep trying and learn to gain confidence throughout the process. believe in yourself!" (210809)

  • "of course, every job is hard, but it's easier to work when you work on something that you really like doing, while thinking that you're enjoying it. instead of doing it just because it's part of your job." (210814)

  • "everyone needs rest. so when you rest, rest well, and when you work, work hard." (210909)

other quotes

  • "i hope you can still continue being kind, because there are still a lot of good people in this world." (201207)

  • "people know what type of person you are. you will always be this type of person, this state is your normal state. others will have the same experience (with you), so everyone knows the type of person you are. so don’t listen to what they say." (201214)

  • "there will always still be fairness in this world." (201214)

  • "every second we have is the only second, so treasure each second, don't regret and do whatever you want." (201225)

  • "you need to learn to enjoy, no matter the situation, you should learn to enjoy." (201228)

  • "your appearance is people's first impression, so it can't be unimportant to others. but although first impressions are important, you can't judge someone by their appearance. you need to see what they're like inside. ... when it comes to people, you need to see their inside." (210107)

  • "the most important thing in a person is not (the face). your face can only give people a first impression, but the first impression isn’t all. a person is good not because they look good, it’s your heart, your inside, if you’re kind, if your character is very good. people won’t want to be close to you because you look pretty. being pretty is useless- actually being pretty is quite useful but- [laughs] being super super pretty may be useful but it’s not the most useful! the most important thing in a person is their inside (heart)." (210307)

  • "it's amazing what music can say on behalf of the emotions we can't express with words." (210327)

  • "you can cry, you can cry a lot. we're humans, after all. we have emotions so we can cry a lot. i hope that people won't be ashamed about crying. because it's just a way of expressing an emotion, other people also won't think of it/go like "aughh, what the..."" (210426)

  • "don’t take anything too seriously. don’t take things too lightly but don’t take them too seriously. too light and you may be careless, too heavy and you’ll be stressed and you‘ll be off. you should control and find the balance." (210517)